Monday, October 26, 2015

Week 21 (October 26)


So this week I want to tell a few cool stories with people and with prayers. We had an intercambio and I stayed in our sector with Hermana Rodrigues from Ecuador. I was a little nervous for this lesson we had with this girl named Nikki Ashley. (yes I know the most American name ever but I swear that is her name...I her mom is straight mapuchi though) but she doesn’t believe in God. We started teaching her a little of the plan of salvation. I had a thought that I need to ask her when she stopped believing in God. So i did and then she told us that when she was 10 her best friend died of cancer. She couldn’t believe that God would let that happen. So we read some scriptures and talked to her about God and how he works. She prayed at the end (first prayer of her life) and it was quiet for like a good 2 minutes after. She looked at us and told us that she felt like she felt like God was with us while she was praying. WHAT. SO COOL!! As of now she believes in God! woohooo!

We also found this woman named Fresia and she has depression because her husband died 3 years ago. We taught her a little of the Plan of Salvation and at the end while my comp was praying the spirit was sooooo there and so strong. She opened her eyes (Fresia) and said that she felt something in her that was really hot and like peace. We explained to her it was the spirit. 

Just lots of cool things are happening here. We are doing this thing called 40 days of fasting in our mission and one of me and my comps goal is to only speak in Spanish and it’s helping a ton. Like milestones. I actually might have told you guys that last week...sorry my mind is being so weird switching to English right now. 

You guys sound awesome! Sorry I have to go climb this hill right now but love you all the whole world full and know that there is no place i would rather be!!


Hermana Kleinman

one of the other Hermanas investigators hooked us up with tennis last Monday! he owns this place and it was SO FUN!! mom thanks for teaching me some of your skills. my comp and I won obvious.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Week 20 (October 19) -- I still do not have pulgas

Helloooo. I still don’t have pulgas aka fleas and that is a miracle! woohoo!!

But dad I loved your experiences that you put in your letter to me this week! SO cool what?! Why have I never heard those before? 

So update on Macarena. She still is the coolest ever in the whole world. In one of our lessons with her she said that she told all of her friends and family that she is going to be baptized into the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and she said that they all asked why. She said that she told them because she felt it in her heart that it was true. EHHHH MACARENA EH! But really. She came to church again and brought her little sister. She is progressing at the speed of lightning.

We got to watch the ground breaking of the temple in Conce and it was awesome. Some awesome talks on the temple and I know I only have like 5 months in the mission but I miss the temple so much. Also it’s SPRING TIME HERE FINALLY!!! Woohooo! The sun is out and people are happier and I don’t have to wear tights! It is a miracle! But the weather is turning out good. 

This cambio has been awesome in these past two weeks. We have found so many news and seen so many miracles. Maria Paz and Hernan are still doing awesome. Probably going to get baptized soon. Sorry this is short but I gotta send some pictures. Love you all!!

Also go BYU! And sad for ASU. 


Hermana Kleinman

My comp Hermana Meads

Awkward Picture of me and a bird

Monday, October 12, 2015

Week 19 - (October 12) Wahhhhooo!

Sorry I never know what to put for subjects. I am so lame. But wow. This week though. SO AWESOME. First off shout out to Grandpa Dan for turning 80 this week! Give him my love. He is the best. And I am so happy that Jared is okay! I have def. been praying for him lots. 

Another note. Viviana and MariaIgnacia yes they already moved but guess what. They called us this week and they told us that they went to the church in conce and found the missionaries!! They are so awesome. For sure going to get baptized in no time.

Emma was super sick so we couldn’t visit her this week but we have a cita this next week with her. We had a huge huge huge miracle this week and I want to share it with you guys. I have gained a testimony about references now. Listen to this. Hold on tight. Okay so we contacted a reference (named Macarena) from some Elders in our zone and apparently she was searching for a house of prayer. Perfect right? Well we had a lesson with her and we taught her lesson 1. She was asking the BEST questions and was grasping things very quickly. We challenged her to be baptized and she said the whole ï have been baptized thing...we then explained and challenged her again. Then she said okay yes only if I receive an answer. Then we promised her that she would and that she would receive it quick. Here it comes...we knelt down so she could say the closing prayer and it was silent for about 1 minute after she said ¨padre celestial¨ and then we heard her crying so we opened our eyes and she was just crying and crying. We asked her how she felt and she said I have this burning feeling in my chest. It is really hot!! And we explained that it was the spirit testifying and then she said yes yes I have received my answer. Then accepted a date to be baptized. SO COOL I LOVE THE SPIRIT AND THIS GOSPEL! She came to church the next day and it was testimony meeting (perfect). She loveeedddd! Cannot wait to see her later today.

We also are teaching this man named Hernan and he is awesome. He is from the campo and it takes him a little to understand things but he really wants to learn and change. At church this Sunday we had a lesson about temple work and baptisms for the dead in our gospel principles class and we were thinking oh noooo he is not going to understand this. But he did!! And now he really wants to do the work for his dad and his grandpa. So cute Hernan. He just has gotta get baptized soon. 

There are so many miracles here it is kind of crazy I feel way way too blessed. This is supposed to be one of the tougher sectors in our mission but I don’t get why because we see miracles daily. My new companion is seriously awesome. She is super direct (in a good and loving way) and I have already learned SO much from her. I cannot wait to have a whole cambio with her and experience more miracles!! 

Also I was reading in the BOM this week and in Jacob 5 when the Lord is says what more can I do for my vineyard? It really hit me hard because he says that 3 times. Not 1 but 3. And I was thinking about our investigators and there is always more that we can do for them and for anybody really. I challenge you all this week to think of something or someone in your life and think what more can I do for that or them? Because I promise you there is ALWAYS something we can do.

I love you all times a billion and the whole world full!!


Hermana Kleinman

Monday, October 5, 2015

Week 18 (October 5)

SO many miracles this week. It would take hours to write them all but I want to tell you guys about one of them. So we have been feeling like we need to knock these gated communities in our area but they are difficult because they never ever open. One night we had this feeling to go knock them. The door was just open. We knocked every door and people kept threatening to call the carbies or the police on us (that probably would end bad because I don’t have my carnet and I am technically illegal haha) but we were like no we need to keep knocking. The last door in the area. We got in! wooo! Usually we start with lesson 1 the restoration unless something tells us no. We both felt something scream NOOO! So then here is an example of how cool the spirit is. I had this sentence about families pop into my head and right then it came out of my companion’s mouth. Literally word for word. We looked at the woman Emma we were teaching and tears started coming down her face. She got up and grabbed a picture of her dad. She told us that her dad had died exactly a month ago and she has been struggling with it. We then shared a scripture with her in Pedro (peter) and in this mini bible that my comp has and she said ¨that is the same bible that my dad had! and his name is pedro!!¨ WHAT. The spirit was soooo strong. We taught her to pray at the end and while she was praying her two year old son kept saying ¨mom you are with the spirit! Mom the spirit!!¨ It was honestly my favorite lesson that i have had here in the mission. Maybe not number one but in the top ten for sure. 

We had our awesome investigators come to conference and it was awesome. I really had to rely on the spirt to help me understand what was being said because we watched all of the sessions in Spanish but I went in with questions and definitely received all of my answers. SO many good talks and the three new apostles seem awesome. 

OH YEAH! We have cambios tomorrow and my mom of the mission Hermana Rich is leaving to lomas (it means loins. She’s not too thrilled about that one) to be a capacitadora (i called it. she is SO awesome) I am really sad that I have to say bye to her tomorrow buttttt I will see her again because she still has lots of time left in the mish. I am staying in Angol and my new comp is going to be Hermana Meeds. I have heard she is really cool and she was just a capacitadora (sister training leader in English?) but she is from Utah! I can’t wait to meet her!

Oh yeah I went to the dentist and he finally fixed my tooth. But he fixed it with a metal cap with the white stuff on top so it’s like double the firmness. Mom I know you don’t like metal but I kind of just went with it. 

This cambio is going to be awesome and we are going to see tons of miracles.

I am so thankful for the companionship of the spirt. Our life is so much better when we are in tune with the spirit. The spirit has been one of my best friends here these past four months and I hope I can keep it with me for the rest of my life!! i love you guys!!

OHHHHH WAIT WE FELT ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE!!! It was like 3 am and i woke up because my bed was shaking and then I yelled at my companion to wake up and we sat there freaking out for like a good minute. it was only like a 4.2 so no worries there.


Hermana Kleinman