Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Week 55 - (June 28) Do what you love and love what you do

I have been thinking lots about that quote from my pillow back at home this week haha. And I feel lucky to be doing what I love. and I love what I get to do.

SECOND: CONGRATS TO CBAKE!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy to see my little Courtney so happy and in love.

and third. we didn’t write yesterday because it was a holiday here in Chile. (they always have huge holidays for the saints) and everywhere was closed so president said that it would be better to work while everyone would be in their house.
My companion is great. Her first trainer was Hermana Moran (one of my old comps) and now I am her dad of this mish how they say it. her second trainer. she is super smart in the Gospel and has a super sweet spirit with her. I am super happy to get to have her as a comp. I am lucking out with the best comps eveRR!!

We had some really awesome investigators who were progressing to their baptism but in these past two weeks we can’t find them in their houses or in the phone. but I have learned tons of patience and tons of humility. It has really helped me look at the small miracles that happen every day. because they do happen but we just have to recognize. We worked really hard and with lots of prayers were able to find some SUPER awesome new investigators this week!! wahoooo! that guy from Facebook went on a business trip so we actually finally have a visit with him tonight. yes-ill update you all on him next week.

Here in Temuco in the night it gets SO foggy, they say it’s from all of the wooden stoves, the cold and the contamination. haha Probs not the best thing for us. Chile won the Copa and we were in our apartment planning and we started hearing screams and screams hahaha we looked out our window (we live on the highest floor) and we could see everyone just jumping and dancing!!! it was hilarious. I took some videos don’t worry. 

But I love you all. and don’t forget to do the small things like read and pray.

PS dad that is so cool. your missionary experience. hearing things like that makes me so happy now that I can understand what it is like to be a missionary and to have awesome leaders and members like you guys. 


Hermana Kleinman

Hermana Talavera!!! 

we had a small family home evening and made sombreros and did Mexican things. it was super duper fun.

Trudging through the fog. hahahaha i think you can tell what i was thinking. woops.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Week 54 (June 20) - Facebook Comin in the Clutch

Annnnddddd another transfer done so that means cambios!! Hermana McGregor (my comp) is leaving to be with another greenga and I am staying in LicanRay and I am going to finish another training of a Hermana from Paraguay! I am stoked! 

Really special week. Lots of things happened like always but something happened that really impacted me. We received a refusal or reference? From Salt Lake City and we were freaking out because that just doesn´t happen a lot down here. We called him right away and he told us how he had come into contact with the church. He told us that a year...yeah a YEAR ago he saw that one of his Facebook friends posted something about the Book of Mormon online and he read it and then ended up on mormon.org he read some more and was surprised because he didn’t know that there was more scripture other than the Bible. He requested the missionaries and a Book of Mormon but nobody ever came or called. He was so happy to hear from us because he has been waiting a year to read the book of Mormon and didn’t know where to get one. We have a visit with him tomorrow night. For me it was really cool to see a fruit of something from a little post on Facebook. It totally changed my perspective about that whole situation. I learned that we can do missionary work in everything that we do. And it also built my testimony that people really ARE looking for the truth but don’t know where to find it. I’m excited to see what happens.

Bryan who I think I talked about last time came to church and loved it. Haha he showed up in a dew wrag but everyone knew at least that he was in investigator and greeted him in. he wants to get baptized in this cool river down in the south of Chile but we are trying to help him just get baptized in the normal font. Much easier.

We have had some ups and downs this week but the ups were really high so it has been awesome. I am really sad not to be with Hermana McGregor but her sector literally is lined up with mine so we will see each other. annndd like mom how you just met up with one of your comps i know that she will be a lifelong friend. Cambios are always bitter sweet.

Love you all. I challenge you all to share something on social media this week because you never know who is waiting.

Hermana Kleinman

1. At least these shoes lasted me about a million miles of walking
2. We ate china today. Who knew that Chileans do china better than Americans??

3. My zone 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Week 53 (June 13) - Colddddddd

I cannot believe that it is 118 degrees in Arizona. I tell people how hot it is in Arizona and they think that our family is crazy for living there. I am just beginning winter here. Crazy right? We are finishing fall and winter starts this next week I think. 

This week was another awesome week down here in Chile. PS I hope you guys are all watching the Copa de America. Everyone is so into it and it’s going down in the United States.

I want to first say Happy Early Father’s day to dad!!! I am so grateful to have you as my dad and to have your example in my life. Also happy father’s day to Reed and Eric!!! Soon Taylor and Brent? And happy birthday to Eric this Friday!!! wahoo!! 

I decided this week that there are few better feelings in life than the feeling of watching someone who understands and gets the Gospel and understands the importance of the Restoration. We found someone named Bryan and we taught him the restoration and the next visit he explained to his best friend that was there everything. The Book of Mormon and all. It was special to see him testify to his friend. And to see that it clicked in his mind. I loveeeeeeeeeeeee when it just clicks. LOVE IT.

We had a zone conference with Presidente Wilhelm and Hermana Wilhelm and it was definitely super inspired. I learned so much in those few short hours. He just talked mainly about simplifying and I always think back to that quote...not sure from who but something like how the gospel can be so simple that children can understand but yet so complex that scholars can’t understand. Something like that.

I have been studying the basic doctrines of the gospel this week and I have felt a difference in my testimony. I am SO grateful for the restored Gospel and to have the knowledge that we can be an eternal family. We were teaching a couple about eternal families and they said that was there hope but they just didn’t know how. I love that we know how and we were able to testify and teach them.

I love where I am at and the people I get to serve every day.

Love you all so much.


Hermana Kleinman

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Week 52 (June 6)

So we had another gran intercambio haha sorry I don’t know how to say that in English. But I was with Hermana Pintus from Argentina and it was soooooooo fun. She was the only Hermana with me when we got to the mission so it was cool to catch up and to see miracles together. This is all of the Hermanas in our house and in Gorbea. We had a little conference together!!

Javiera got baptized!!!!! The sister of Nicolas. Super sweet and I was so happy for her and their family.
We got taken out to lunch to the nicest place I have eaten here in Chile. Hermano Campos. He is like famous for chiropractic here in Chile I guess.

We had another noche de hogar with a family who are really nice. The dad looks just like Eric’s brother.

This is GImenna. SO AWESOME. We had fast and testimony meeting and she looked at us and goes well get up there!! And we told her only if she goes first. So she got up with me and bore her testimony first hahaha it was soooo cute. She told everyone how it was her first time there and how she felt. And how we had knocked her door.
Sorry I have literally no time today.

Secondly SHOUT OUT TO DAD FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY!"!!!! Happy Birthday Dad!!! And Reed!!!! I love you guys so much. Haven’t read your emails yet but I bet it was a good birthday. And shootout to dad for your new calling!"!!! I am so so happy to hear that.

And my prayers are with Sydney and her family. I am so sorry to hear that but I hope that Sydney and all of her family can feel comfort and peace with the gospel. But I will be praying every day, 

I love you all so much!!!
I will write better next week from your favorite Hermana in Chile,

Hermana Kleinman
This is sweet Gimenna